Saturday, September 8, 2012

What started as a normal day

Friday was as typical as a Friday can get. Michael was off to work around 6:15 am. The kids got me out of bed around 7:00 am. We got ready for the day and went out on our weekly grocery shopping trip. We came home and had lunch. Simon napped while Miriam and I played. After nap-time I decided I better figure out what to do about dinner. The kids were playing so well together (those happy noises can't be beat). I was thinking, "I don't care what kind of mess is made when Miriam and Simon are playing so nicely together". After making my dinner plan I went to check on the kiddos. Their room was a mess and the living room was a mess. Oh well, I have to start dinner. Miriam wanted me to put on a movie from the library while I was making dinner. More distractions, great!

Then I noticed that Simon was limping. He wouldn't put his left heel down. He wanted me to hold him. I felt his leg and foot, but didn't see or feel anything different. I put him on the couch to rest so I could start dinner. I was chopping potatoes when Miriam said Simon needed me. I came around the corner and saw him trying to walk again. He was definitely hurt. I called Michael and told him to hurry home because we might be making a trip to urgent care. Simon would not let me put him down, so I made dinner one handed. After dinner was in the oven I went to sit on the couch with the kids. We were reading books when all of a sudden Simon threw up. Great, I had to put him in the bath and figure out how to clean the carpet. I can't leave Simon alone in the bath so the carpet will have to wait. I tell Miriam to come sit by me in the bathroom so she won't step in it. Simon is clean. On to the carpet, wait a minute weren't Michael and I just talking about how we needed to buy some carpet cleaner... just in case? I call Michael again and tell him to stop and get carpet cleaner on his way home.

I put Simon in his booster chair because I knew he couldn't move if he was buckled in. Somewhere in between all of this I managed to turn off the oven so dinner wouldn't burn. I decide to get Miriam started on dinner (she is a slow eater and I knew she needed a head start tonight). I burn my hand getting the pork tenderloin out, but I don't have time to cry. I decided we are going to take Simon to urgent care. Then, Simon throws up again. Luckily I didn't push him up to the table. Simon needs another bath. Miriam is being an angel eating dinner alone. She is asking me for more broccoli. I can't believe how patient she is being through all of this. Simon is clean, again.

Michael comes home and I ask him if he wants to hold Simon or clean up. Amazingly, he chooses throw up. I try to grab some food one handed while Michael cleans. We talk about urgent care. I want to take him in (after what happened to Miriam I don't like taking chances). Michael feels like we should wait it out. Motherly instincts win, we are headed to urgent care.

Can I just brag more about my kids and husband? Miriam was so amazing through this whole process. Michael just stepped right in when he got home. Simon was the best patient. As we figured, after seeing Simon try to walk the doctor order x-rays. Simon did amazing. What other 17 month old (yes, seventeen months old today) would hold so still for x-rays? The doctor did not see a break on the x-rays (RELIEF! All of the worse case scenarios had already run through my head.) and said she felt like something was wrong with his ankle. She recommended him to wear an ace bandage through Sunday. If he still isn't putting pressure on it by Monday we should see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. No urgent care regrets for me. I am glad to have the peace of mind that he is going to be okay.

As you can tell from all of the pictures, a good night's sleep did wonders. With the bandage on, he is starting to put pressure on his heel again. It is still bothering him some, but he was able to walk around for most of the day. It is so hard for this little boy to sit still. My poor little Simon.

1 comment:

regandem said...

Oh sad for Simon! I hope he continues to feel better.