Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hanging Out

Today is a day to relax. Miriam woke up with a little bit of a cold yesterday and today it is worse. She didn't want to get dressed, so I let her stay in her pajamas. She just seems to look so sad when she is sick.

It is a good thing we went to the library last night and got three Go, Diego, Go DVD's. She is set for the day. Since she doesn't feel good I decided to bum around as well. We are just going to hang out today.

We will definitely have naps later. The weather doesn't look so great for tomorrow (chance of snow) so maybe we will just carry over into tomorrow. We can do what we want... right?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Waiting

Waiting for a baby to arrive is hard work. We spend most days just hanging out and doing what we can to prepare. Little by little I feel like the house is ready for a newborn. Remember my list from a while ago?
Need to Finish:
*Buy diapers (small size) - on sale at Costco this week
*Sew flannel blankets and burp cloths - material is washed and ready
*Decide on blessing outfit (I have until July)
*Finish finding summer clothes for baby and Miriam - some great deals have been found already

We have diapers, I finished the blankets and burp cloths, I bought a few more summer clothes, and I am waiting to discuss the blessing outfit until my mom comes. Now all I really want to do is make sure the house is cleaned. I was telling Michael last night that I feel like each day just comes and goes and I don't do much. This is probably because I really only have energy to get things done in the morning. I do about one thing a day and then I am done. For example, today was laundry. I did three loads and then I was too tired to do anything else. The rest of the day is spent playing with Miriam and resting. However, I am really enjoying this time with Miriam. We have fun playing together. We basically just do what she wants. We also talk about what is going to happen when baby boy comes. She is going to be a great big sister.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Farm Time

Friday Michael took off early from work so we could spend some time together with Miriam before the baby comes. We decided to take her to the farm. She was so excited to see all the animals and talked about it all day. Our first stop was the cows. They heard the cart drive by and knew it was time to eat so they were waiting right by the fence. Soon they all started mooing loudly. Miriam did not like being so close to them when it was so loud. We are still hearing about it today. Her other favorite stop was the baby pigs. She just sat and stared at them for quite a while. We had a great day enjoying the warmer weather and spending time together. Enjoy the random pictures... *by the way, capturing a two year old on camera is difficult*

checking out the cows as they are waiting to eat

Miriam's attempt at smiling for the camera

as close as she would get to the goat

cute smile, but eyes closed

watching the piglets

catching a ride from Dad

riding the tractor with Mom

Thursday, March 17, 2011

36 weeks

I am almost there and boy can I feel it. The past couple of weeks have been really wearing on my body. Here is the lovely 36 week picture.

I went to the ultrasound specialist on Tuesday. The baby is already 7 lbs 9 oz... and I still have 4 weeks until my due date. I will go back and see him again in 3 weeks if I haven't delivered yet. He is pretty sure that the baby will be over 9 lbs in three weeks. He wants to monitor the size of the baby one more time... ya know for good measure... in case I wasn't already worried about birthing a ginormous baby. Today I went to my doctor for my 36 week check-up. He told me that everything looks great. He isn't worried about the baby getting too big. He says that I should think positively and it is definitely possible for me to deliver this baby. He asked if I still wanted to induce at 39 weeks. I told him that I was still unsure, but since I go back every week now I will keep him posted. I want the baby to be ready to be born. However, most days I just feel like I can't stand being pregnant anymore. I am more achy and sore by the end of the day than I was with Miriam. This week I have had a sense of feeling that the end is in sight. I am so excited to meet this baby boy. He could be here in 3 weeks. So exciting!

Miriam was trying to pose like me in the pictures.
I told her to put her hands on her hips. Cute huh?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seeds to Sprouts



Here are our herbs growing into the second week. We are so excited to see the little sprouts.


Sunday night we took home leftover cheesecake from Michael's parents. We decided to have the cheesecake tonight after dinner. Miriam is a girl after my own heart... she LOVED the cheesecake. The video and pictures say it all.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lovely Weekend

Saturday was the first warm day that Michael was home with us. I attended a Relief Society meeting in the morning while Michael stayed home and spent time with Miriam. After Miriam's nap we decided to head to the park. Since we don't have a park within walking distance, Miriam was so excited to get out of the house and play. Sometimes having one car really stinks! We had a great time enjoying a little bit of sunshine. I sure hope that spring is on it's way.

In other news, Miriam can recognize the Duke University logo. When she sees it she says "It's Duke". Michael says this is blog worthy. He also taught her to say armpits.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

bringing new life to our house

While out shopping on Friday I decided that our house needed a little bit of green brought into it. I ended up coming home with one little $5 plant to place on the mantle. I thought I had the perfect pot for it and proceeded to replant it. My little pot was not big enough, so I made due until we could get to the store for a new pot. On Saturday Michael came to the store with me to pick up a larger pot. Let's just say that $30 later we came home with not only a larger pot for the plant, but also two other pots, potting soil, seeds to plant some herbs, and a little watering can for Miriam. We have been talking about trying to grow herbs for a while and we finally decided to do it. We planted some sweet basil and cilantro then put them in the kitchen window. I sure hope that they grow. I have zero experience with growing anything, but I am excited to have fresh herbs if it all works out.

Here is the new plant (now on the piano).
No name yet, Tai may be the only one to understand this.

Here are the herbs 2 days into the growing process.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I have definitely felt the need to get ready for this baby. I hate waiting until the last minute. For the past few months I have been on the lookout for as many deals as possible. Since we started with absolutely no boy things I knew we would have a lot of stuff to get. I also wanted to get Miriam's winter clothes for next year. I find it so satisfying to find a great deal on the clearance rack. I feel like after the shopping trips I had this week I am ready for this baby boy to come. I am not done with everything, but I have enough done for him to arrive. I have 39 days until my due date. I want to be done with everything by the end of this month. Here is my list.


Gowns and sleepers - washed, folded and put away

0-3 months clothes - washed, folded and put away

Onesies - washed, folded and put away

*Socks/Bibs/Hats - washed, folded and put away
*Shop for next years winter clothes for baby and Miriam
*Reposition crib to new height

Stock up on wipes

*Find all baby things that I stored away

Need to Finish:
*Buy diapers (small size) - on sale at Costco this week
*Sew flannel blankets and burp cloths - material is washed and ready
*Decide on blessing outfit (I have until July)
*Finish finding summer clothes for baby and Miriam - some great deals have been found already

Overall I feel good about finishing before long. Since my energy level is dropping everyday, I will just do a little bit at a time. I love getting ready for a baby to come into our home. We are so excited to meet this little (big) guy.