Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Farm Time

Friday Michael took off early from work so we could spend some time together with Miriam before the baby comes. We decided to take her to the farm. She was so excited to see all the animals and talked about it all day. Our first stop was the cows. They heard the cart drive by and knew it was time to eat so they were waiting right by the fence. Soon they all started mooing loudly. Miriam did not like being so close to them when it was so loud. We are still hearing about it today. Her other favorite stop was the baby pigs. She just sat and stared at them for quite a while. We had a great day enjoying the warmer weather and spending time together. Enjoy the random pictures... *by the way, capturing a two year old on camera is difficult*

checking out the cows as they are waiting to eat

Miriam's attempt at smiling for the camera

as close as she would get to the goat

cute smile, but eyes closed

watching the piglets

catching a ride from Dad

riding the tractor with Mom

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