Sunday, October 28, 2012

Choose the Right

Miriam participated in her first sacrament meeting program at church today. She worked hard and practiced her part for the past two weeks. When it was her turn she got right up without hesitation and spoke her part perfectly into the microphone all by herself. She has been worried all week that her teacher might try to help her. I told her to just tell her teacher that she didn't need help. She was the youngest little one in the program (she doesn't turn four until the end of December and all the other kids in her class turned four before the new school year) and we were so proud of how well she did. She sang right out on all the songs and kept smiling at us.

We are so happy that Miriam is making good choices. She has learned so much in primary this year. She loves coming home and telling us about her class. She loves reading the scriptures as a family and having family home evening. I love watching Miriam learn and grow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


For our ward Trunk-or-Treat this year we took advantage of the great weather. Games were set up outside for the kids. Miriam and Simon both enjoyed playing a few games gearing up for the big "race" for the candy. (Trunk-or-Treat is always crazy to me. So many kids let loose at the same time to get candy from a few cars in a parking lot = CHAOS. But that is just me.) It was fun to watch them get excited to see all their friends in costumes. When it was time for trunk-or-treat the kids knew it was candy time. Simon tried to eat a lot of wrappers. Having kids sure makes for holidays that are more fun.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Costume Premiere


costume breakdown:
princess dress - same dress she wore last year ($2 at a garage sale)
orange shirt/tights/shoes - already in closet
crown - Jo Ann fabrics ($1)
wand - dollar store ($1)


costume breakdown:
pirate outfit - garage sale ($1)
white shirt/shoes - already in closet
hat/eye patch/hook (not pictured) - dollar store ($1 for all three)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Homecoming Parade

Friday we went to the Homecoming parade in Michael's hometown. Let's face it, the only reason to go to a parade where you know no one is to make your kids happy. We came prepared with a bag to fill with candy. It was a beautiful day. No jackets needed. I am amazed by the amazing fall weather we are enjoying this year. I just can't get enough.

Simon was a little overwhelmed at first. The band was really loud when you were that close. He stayed close by me looking for reassurance. Once he figured out that candy was being thrown, he was so excited. Miriam remembered what to do from last year; look cute and wave then candy will be thrown right to you.

Simon couldn't wait to open some candy and have a taste. Even though it was a short little hometown parade, I think the kids had fun. We got plenty of candy.


Later that night we left the kids at home with Grandma. Michael and I went on a date in anticipation of his busy season. We had a nice time together. We are grateful that Michael's Mom is close enough to watch the kids every once in a while. Maybe we should take advantage more often!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

at the doctor

Simon went in for his 18 month appointment today. He weighed in at 25 pounds (25-50%) and measured 34 inches (75-90%). No surprises. Typical for my children... tall and skinny. The doctor commented on his easy going personality. She said that it seems like I am doing a fine job, always nice to hear a compliment on my mothering skills.

Simon "officially" started nursery on Sunday. I say officially because he has been going full-time for about the past month (and on and off since we got home from Utah). Michael serves in nursery and with my calling keeping me busy each Sunday he has taken Simon in with him to help me out. Sunday was the first time I didn't feel guilty having him in there since he was officially eighteen months old. I asked Michael to snap some pictures of him on his first day of nursery. He said it was hard to get Simon to stand still because he was so excited to in and play. I guess we won't have a hard transition this time around.

I think I mentioned this in his 18 month post, but Simon loves to hide. Here is picture proof that he will find anywhere to hide.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012