Monday, October 8, 2012

eighteen months

Simon is eighteen months old today. We are so extremely blessed to have this little boy in our family. Everyday I find myself thanking my Heavenly Father for the wonderful, beautiful children he sent to us. Simon is a fun, playful little boy. He loves all things boy; cars, balls, airplanes, trains, etc. Simon is a talker. He is really great at communicating. I rarely find myself at a loss for what he is saying. If I don't understand, I tell him to show me and he will take me where he needs something.

Although Simon is the sweetest boy, he is starting to perfect the tantrum throwing. He is such a momma's boy and prefers me to everyone else. Sometimes his cuteness is hard to say no to.

Simon tantrum from Vanessa Bishop on Vimeo.

Some other fun things about Simon:

*He loves to hide. Especially if you are telling him to come get dressed or change his diaper. He will run and hide anywhere he can find.
*He loves Dora (which is so funny because Miriam loved Diego at his age).
*The first thing he says/signs in the morning is "hungry".
*Simon loves to help with the laundry. He pushes the baskets and put the clothes in the washer.
*He is actually really sensitive. He doesn't like to get in trouble or have his feelings hurt.
*The first thing he asks for in the car is "dance". Simon loves music. He is particularly a fan of "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen and "Drive By" by Train.

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