Monday, October 26, 2009

Sad Loss

BYU had a very disappointing loss this weekend. We were so excited to go to the game, but ended up sad about the outcome. It rained for a while before the game. Luckily it stopped before the game started. Although it was colder than previous games, we were able to stay dry.

Friday, October 23, 2009

10 months

Miriam is ten months old today. We can't believe how big she is getting. She is so much fun. We took her to the park this evening to take some pictures of her playing in the leaves.

Watching her Dad throw leaves

Playing in the leaves

Miriam has a real sweet personality. She is a really easy going child. For the most part she is content with whatever she is doing (even though she is having a clingy stage right now...stranger danger). She will sit in front of the bookcase and read all her books for a long time. She loves to turn the pages of her books. She has even started "telling" the stories. She has figured out how to roll all over the room to get to what she wants. The past few days I have started finding her in all sorts of positions in her crib. She pushes herself backward on her tummy for a short while, but mostly just rolls over when she is put on her tummy. She is starting to understand things we tell her. The funniest part is she gets this little pouty face when we tell her "no" to something. It is hard to be serious and tell her she is doing something wrong when she looks so cute.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We took Miriam to pick out her first pumpkin today. It was an unseasonably warm day (70 degrees). We went to a little family farm in Highland. It was called the Monson pumpkin patch.

There was a chicken walking around and Miriam seemed pretty interested in it. Personally, I did not like it being so close.

We found a small pumpkin just her size.

We walked into the cornfield.

Michael and Miriam found the perfect pumpkin. She was so excited she started waving at me.

We got to cut the pumpkin right off the vine.

We are going to take our pumpkin home and carve it soon. We hope to make this a family tradition every year. What a fun day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Miriam loves music

Michael is taking a music class at school. He has been learning about different types of classical music. While he was listening tonight Miriam broke out some of her moves. Too cute to pass up a video opportunity.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

9 month pictures

As I said before, we took Miriam to get her pictures taken for her 9 month birthday. These are some of my favorites.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tired, Cute, and Cuddly

Yesterday we enjoyed going to the third home game of the BYU football season. It was a late Friday night game and the weather has definitely turned fall-like. We had to bundle up for the first time this year. It was a good outcome to the game, but we were definitely tired.

The weather didn't seem to bother Miriam. I was afraid she wouldn't keep her hat on, but she surprised me. She was just so tired she fell asleep on her daddy. I had to take a picture because she looked so cute and cuddly.