Wednesday, February 29, 2012

As February comes to a close...

...I realized it has been one of those months I have taken a lot of pictures. I don't really have anything specific to blog about. I just have some cute pictures to share from the month of February. All of these pictures were taken from the 20th to the 24th, so I must have gone picture crazy for a couple of days.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gearing up for spring

Remember when I was talking about how January was so mild? Well, it seems the trend has continued for February. I feel like we have had some nice days. We have tried to take advantage of it and go out when we can. Have I mentioned before how our next house will be closer to a park... because it will. The one I walk to now isn't even that great. Anyway, I took the kids to the park this week (in the new stroller seen here) to enjoy some mild winter weather. It feels like spring is right around the corner.

After naps we went out and drew all over the sidewalk with chalk. It actually went like this: Miriam drew with chalk and tried to keep it away from Simon. I held Simon and tried to keep him from eating chalk all while trying to take pictures. Then I let go of control, put down the camera, and just let them play (I am trying/learning to let them be kids). Chalk is washable, right?


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Silly Girl

Miriam decided to put stickers all over herself.

Then she ran in to get Simon up from his nap.

Miriam is such a silly girl.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Momma's Boy

Simon and I are buddies.
He really loves Mom.
If I am holding him, that is where he wants to stay.
If he notices I am not by him he comes and finds me.
I sure love my little boy!

Friday, February 17, 2012


This past month I have really noticed how much Simon and Miriam have started playing together.

Miriam has never been really good at playing by herself.
It is nice for me to be able to do some chores without stopping to entertain kids.

Miriam loves to run around and have Simon chase her.

Miriam is also really good at keeping Simon out of trouble.

I hope this friendship continues to grow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy LOVE Day

I thought I would take some cute pictures of the kids to post for Valentine's Day. Miriam's hair wasn't done, but I wanted to hurry before Simon was too tired and ready to nap. At first I couldn't get them to look at the camera and all Simon wanted to do was crawl toward me. Then I decided to try the rocking chair and all the kids wanted to do was play around. At the end of it all, I don't think I did too bad (considering the circumstances).


Later Miriam came to me and said she was ready for her picture to be taken. She had changed her clothes and accessorized herself quite nicely. She cooperated for some cute pictures...



...Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hard at Work

Miriam has been hard at work for the past week and a half making valentine's for all her family and friends. I was telling her about Valentine's Day and she decided she wanted to send out a valentine for everyone this year. She was really diligent to work everyday after her nap to hand-make each one. It was a labor of love for her (and me). She is such a sweetheart.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ten months

Simon is ten months old. Hooray! 
He is getting so big and I see him slowly turning from a baby to toddler 
(not yet though, he is still my baby).

We had a rough month with Simon. 
He got four more teeth this month, all on top. 
He was not a happy camper for a couple of weeks.
Luckily we all made it through. 

Simon loves to play and is crawling like a pro. 
He likes to follow Miriam and I around the house.

Simon's new favorite thing to do is to pull up and stand next to whatever he can.
 He thinks he is so big.

One of his favorites is the bathtub.
He still has a hard time getting down.
He cries when he needs rescued.

Simon has personality galore.
He is starting to mimic sounds and actions.
He loves me to sing "Popcorn Popping".
He tries to follow what I am doing.
Simon is starting to understand the difference in words.
He definitely knows what I am saying when I ask,
"Where's Miriam?".
 He looks all around for her.

We love this little boy!
What joy he brings to our family!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Enjoying each moment

I received an amazing compliment from a friend (yes, you know who you are). She told me that she likes reading my blog and seeing how much I am enjoying being a mother to my young children.

Thanks for the compliment, I try not to take a single day for granted. Sometimes it is hard work, but at the end of the day it is always worth it. I really do enjoy my job. They won't be little forever. Soon I will be a mother of school aged children, then a mother to teenagers (yikes!); but for now I will continue trying to enjoy my children as they are. No wishing for time to pass here.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I know I am not the only one wondering where winter is this year. I can't believe how mild the weather was through all of January. We were able to enjoy so much time outside, which is so rare for Northern Virginia.

Miriam was being sad because she wanted Dad to come on our picnic

This past week I took the kids to the park for a picnic. It was close to 70 degrees outside. I was breaking a sweat on the way back pushing both kids in the stroller. We wore jackets on the way there, but by the time we got to the park we were shedding layers. 

I am a little worried about February and March. Will winter come after all... and how long will it last? Here's hoping for a early spring!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Good and The Bad

Good News: Simon is crawling. He is completely mobile. Which is great. He entertains himself and plays alone for a good while. He is learning and growing so fast. It is so fun to watch him explore the house.

Bad News: On the other hand, Miriam is having a hard time with it. She doesn't understand his need to get into everything. I am trying to teach her that it is okay for him to play as long as it isn't dangerous.  She doesn't want him to get her toys. I tell her that she just has to figure out a way they can play together. It seems like she is getting the hang of it because she puts her stuff up on the couch. Then I found him like this yesterday:

I am sad to see my baby grow up, but I think it is a good thing he is learning to move. He will have so much fun running around this summer.