Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ten months

Simon is ten months old. Hooray! 
He is getting so big and I see him slowly turning from a baby to toddler 
(not yet though, he is still my baby).

We had a rough month with Simon. 
He got four more teeth this month, all on top. 
He was not a happy camper for a couple of weeks.
Luckily we all made it through. 

Simon loves to play and is crawling like a pro. 
He likes to follow Miriam and I around the house.

Simon's new favorite thing to do is to pull up and stand next to whatever he can.
 He thinks he is so big.

One of his favorites is the bathtub.
He still has a hard time getting down.
He cries when he needs rescued.

Simon has personality galore.
He is starting to mimic sounds and actions.
He loves me to sing "Popcorn Popping".
He tries to follow what I am doing.
Simon is starting to understand the difference in words.
He definitely knows what I am saying when I ask,
"Where's Miriam?".
 He looks all around for her.

We love this little boy!
What joy he brings to our family!

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