Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sweet Child of Mine

Miriam can go from sad and pouting... happy and running in a matter of thirty seconds.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Take a Stand

I got Simon to stand for a couple of seconds. 

However he gets nervous and lunges for me when I let go.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Playing Outside

On Friday I knew it would be the last warm day for a while. So, we went out to play and color with sidewalk chalk. We also had fun walking around our building looking at all the flowers, playing with dirt, etc. It was great for the kids to get some energy out because it ended up raining all weekend. As you all know I take a millions pictures of my kids... also you all know I have a hard time picking only a couple to post. Here are a few of the adorable pictures from our time outside:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Foot Up

The other day while we were outside playing I put Simon down on the grass.
I don't think he liked it very much because he did not put his right foot down the whole time.
It was quite funny.
Good thing I took a video so you could see it too.

How about some pictures too?
Am I a mean Mom because I was taking pictures and laughing while he was crying for help?
I couldn't help it.
I thought it was funny.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The other night Miriam was practicing her somersaults.

Simon didn't want to be left out and tried it for himself.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting Out of the House

Over the past week or so we were able to go the park a couple of times. We are happy to see the last of winter and have spring weather around these parts. The kids can't get enough playing outside time. When we aren't eating or napping Miriam is making plans to do something.

Last week we also headed to the farm. Simon was very aware of the animals this time around. He was so excited when he saw the cow. He just kept pointing and waving his arms in excitement.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I am a child of God

Last night for Family Home Evening we talked about being a child of God. We looked at pictures of all of our family members and told Miriam that we are all God's children. Then we helped Miriam and Simon make signs to put on their door as a reminder that they are each a child of God. Every time Miriam has walked past today she says, "I am a child of God". It is good to know she was listening.

I have been worrying lately about whether or not we have a gospel centered home. Are we teaching our children enough in our home? We have decided to be better about having an official family home evening each week. I decided to order the nursery manual as a help for us to make our lessons simple enough for Miriam (and soon Simon) to understand.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

eleven months

Simon is eleven months old today! I feel as though eleven months is anti-climatic when he is so close to his first birthday. Simon is sure a fun boy. I love watching the difference between Miriam and Simon. He is definitely all boy. He has been so excited to be able to be outside this week. It is like a whole new world has opened up to him.


*puts the phone up to his ear and says hello
*gives the best hugs
*almost has one more tooth (for a total of 7)
*almost sleeps through the night (wakes up once)
*wants to open every drawer and cupboard in the house
*loves to crawl under tables and chairs
*points at everything
*likes to have 2 things in his hands at all times
*will taste/eat almost anything you give him
*babbles a lot, but I am not sure I can say what his first word is yet
*is getting so tall
*is wearing all 18 months clothes
*has a hard time sitting still
*intently explores the world around him
*loves to push Miriam's shopping cart

Monday, March 5, 2012

Make 'em laugh

It is hard to keep track of all the funny/cute things Miriam says. She cracks us up everyday. Here are a few things from February that I remembered to write down:

Miriam: When Dad comes home he can use his tools and take this toy apart
Mom: No Miriam. Dad will not take that toy apart. He will say, "No way Jose".
Miriam: Dad won't say that, that is a bad word.

Miriam: Mom you look like you have marshmallows in your cheeks and in your bum.

Mom: I'm sorry you had a hard night. Do you feel better?
Miriam: No, I am still mad.

I was watching House Hunters and Miriam says: "That house looks like it is in a good neighborhood". Do we watch too much HGTV together?

Miriam not only makes Michael and I laugh but she is really good at getting Simon to laugh.

Remember that I am going to try to post old videos?
This video was taken March 6, 2011

 Miriam now puts everything on the table that she wants to keep away from Simon...
...Including herself.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Future Artist

Miriam has been learning the art of water colors this week. She has almost gone through all of her watercolor paints. She will just sit and paint for quite a while. Is it weird that I even leave the room and trust my three year old by herself with paint washable water colors? She is very responsible and careful.