Monday, March 5, 2012

Make 'em laugh

It is hard to keep track of all the funny/cute things Miriam says. She cracks us up everyday. Here are a few things from February that I remembered to write down:

Miriam: When Dad comes home he can use his tools and take this toy apart
Mom: No Miriam. Dad will not take that toy apart. He will say, "No way Jose".
Miriam: Dad won't say that, that is a bad word.

Miriam: Mom you look like you have marshmallows in your cheeks and in your bum.

Mom: I'm sorry you had a hard night. Do you feel better?
Miriam: No, I am still mad.

I was watching House Hunters and Miriam says: "That house looks like it is in a good neighborhood". Do we watch too much HGTV together?

Miriam not only makes Michael and I laugh but she is really good at getting Simon to laugh.

Remember that I am going to try to post old videos?
This video was taken March 6, 2011

 Miriam now puts everything on the table that she wants to keep away from Simon...
...Including herself.

1 comment:

Whitney Hardie said...

The marshmallows one - that is classic!