Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Piles of Leaves

Last week I snapped some really cute pictures of Miriam and Simon playing in the leaves.
They had fun throwing the leaves over and over again.

I even managed to get a short video.
And by short I mean less than ten seconds.

Oh yeah, then Miriam wanted to take pictures of us.
Here they are.
Not edited.
Pretty good for a three year old.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being Thankful

We had a nice Thanksgiving. It was a beautiful day and we were able to go outside to take some pictures before adding inches to our waistlines. 

(pretend like this one is in focus)

This is the beautiful Thanksgiving table and decorations. Miriam cut out all the turkey feathers by herself. She then brought them for everyone to write what they were thankful for this year. It is too bad I didn't get any pictures of the food. You will just have to trust me when I say it was delicious.

We have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving... definitely too numerous to list. However, I just want to mention how thankful I am for my amazing husband. He works so hard for our family. Michael is an amazing father to the two best kids any mom could ask for.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Making Pie

While Miriam was busy making pies with Grandpa...


...Simon and Michael were busy eating the apples for the pie.

Miriam and Simon had fun today getting ready for Thanksgiving. 
They helped make (and eat) pie crust. 
They loved playing with Elizabeth and Rebecca too. 

We are so excited to eat all the yummy pie tomorrow.

As a side note, Michael talked me into sharing dinner with him... fried oysters and fish tacos. 
Go me for trying something new.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Well, here comes November

Long time no post huh? If you notice there are times when I don't have much to say, but I post a bunch of pictures because I feel like the pictures can say it all. Other times I explain the pictures with oh so lovely commentary. This post is neither of those... sometimes you just aren't feeling it.

October brings the beginning of busy season for Michael at work. This means lots of travel and long hours. Most of the time I am fine with this, I am used to it. However, sometimes it is just plain hard. The kids and I feel the effects of not having Michael home with us as much as we would like.

Here is what happened during my blogging absence: Michael was gone for two weeks in October. During this time he missed a hurricane and Halloween. We were blessed while he was gone to not lose power during the storm. We were stuck inside for a couple of days, but the sun did shine once again. In fact the rain stopped just in time for us to go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween. I took the kids over to Michael's parents so his Dad could help me with the kids. We went around the neighborhood and the kids got plenty of candy. I didn't take any pictures.

When Michael travels they allow him to come home on the weekends. On Saturday the 27th, he was home with us for one day so we told Miriam that she could choose what she wants to do with Dad. She decided we should all go to the farm. Little did we know they were having a little wellness fair. The kids got to paint pumpkins and Miriam got her face painted. I didn't take any pictures.

This week Michael has been working long hours. He gets home after I am asleep and leaves before we all wake up. During all of this craziness we have all been sick. Michael was sick while he was in Minnesota. The kids and I survived colds over the past couple of weeks. This week Simon and Miriam got pink-eye. Then Michael came home last night with his eyes red, swollen, and full of junk. Looks like pink-eye for Michael too. Next week looks to be the same schedule for Michael.

Now in case you feel sorry for me, don't. I love my life. I am grateful for how hard my husband works. I am grateful I get to stay home and be a mom to my two wonderful children. Good things happen amidst the blur of feeling lonely. Michael's parents have fed us numerous times (both at home and taken us out). In fact, sometimes Michael being gone has benefits. I don't have to cook exciting meals because the kids don't mind if I make waffles or mac and cheese for dinner. Also, in the evenings I have alone I try to get things done. I have taken out Simon's scrapbook again and I am determined to finish it before the end of the year.

All of this rambling being said, I am beyond excited for the holidays. They have become more special to me because they land right in the middle of a time when I need family time most. I love the days Michael gets to stay home and spend time with us. Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner and I can hang in there and survive in between.