Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gearing up for spring

Remember when I was talking about how January was so mild? Well, it seems the trend has continued for February. I feel like we have had some nice days. We have tried to take advantage of it and go out when we can. Have I mentioned before how our next house will be closer to a park... because it will. The one I walk to now isn't even that great. Anyway, I took the kids to the park this week (in the new stroller seen here) to enjoy some mild winter weather. It feels like spring is right around the corner.

After naps we went out and drew all over the sidewalk with chalk. It actually went like this: Miriam drew with chalk and tried to keep it away from Simon. I held Simon and tried to keep him from eating chalk all while trying to take pictures. Then I let go of control, put down the camera, and just let them play (I am trying/learning to let them be kids). Chalk is washable, right?


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