Sunday, October 28, 2012

Choose the Right

Miriam participated in her first sacrament meeting program at church today. She worked hard and practiced her part for the past two weeks. When it was her turn she got right up without hesitation and spoke her part perfectly into the microphone all by herself. She has been worried all week that her teacher might try to help her. I told her to just tell her teacher that she didn't need help. She was the youngest little one in the program (she doesn't turn four until the end of December and all the other kids in her class turned four before the new school year) and we were so proud of how well she did. She sang right out on all the songs and kept smiling at us.

We are so happy that Miriam is making good choices. She has learned so much in primary this year. She loves coming home and telling us about her class. She loves reading the scriptures as a family and having family home evening. I love watching Miriam learn and grow.

1 comment:

Holli said...

She did such a great job! We were very impressed:)