Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Waiting

Waiting for a baby to arrive is hard work. We spend most days just hanging out and doing what we can to prepare. Little by little I feel like the house is ready for a newborn. Remember my list from a while ago?
Need to Finish:
*Buy diapers (small size) - on sale at Costco this week
*Sew flannel blankets and burp cloths - material is washed and ready
*Decide on blessing outfit (I have until July)
*Finish finding summer clothes for baby and Miriam - some great deals have been found already

We have diapers, I finished the blankets and burp cloths, I bought a few more summer clothes, and I am waiting to discuss the blessing outfit until my mom comes. Now all I really want to do is make sure the house is cleaned. I was telling Michael last night that I feel like each day just comes and goes and I don't do much. This is probably because I really only have energy to get things done in the morning. I do about one thing a day and then I am done. For example, today was laundry. I did three loads and then I was too tired to do anything else. The rest of the day is spent playing with Miriam and resting. However, I am really enjoying this time with Miriam. We have fun playing together. We basically just do what she wants. We also talk about what is going to happen when baby boy comes. She is going to be a great big sister.

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