Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day at the National Zoo

Michael's company sponsored a day at the zoo today. It was a great excuse to take the kids on the metro and head downtown. Michael's company had a section of the zoo reserved. They had a huge tent with food, music, and activities for the kids. We forgot our camera, so we took pictures on the iPad and Michael's phone instead.

waiting for the metro

riding the train

going to see the elephants

watching the elephants

getting a better view of the elephants

the elephants got pretty close at the end

learning about elephants

we actually spent a lot of time watching the elephants
Simon loved them

after lunch Miriam got her face painted
she was sad we had to wash it off in the bath

trying to pet the donkey at the petting zoo

Miriam gave us a scare at the zoo. For the first time, she walked off without us. It was only a minute until we found her, and she didn't even know she was alone. She was just walking along talking to herself.

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