Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Celebrating the Laborers

Unlike most holidays, on Labor day I felt like I took plenty of pictures to capture the day (over 200). We spent the day with Michael's parents (who are now officially empty-nesters). While the food was being prepared the kids found the Fourth of July pinwheels and took advantage of the windy day.



Then they found some balls and shot hoops. Check out Simon's form! 
They also thought it was pretty funny to put the pinwheels through the hoop.

I couldn't help taking pictures of the delicious food being grilled. 
Ribs, grilled corn, and chicken for the kids. Yum.

Miriam was inside helping Grandma make dressing for the pasta salad.

Simon was helping me take pictures of the action... on a chair for better viewing.

After dinner Miriam took the dog for a walk with Grandma.
While they were gone Simon and Michael played a little golf.
Boy does Simon loves any kind of ball.

and here is a video of Simon golfing with Michael...

After Miriam got back from walking Gus, Grandpa and Michael set up bowling for the kids. It was pretty entertaining to watch them get so excited about knocking the pins down.


Miriam decided to tackle Michael which turned into a big wrestling match on the front lawn.

I even set the self timer to get a picture of me, proof I existed.

After all the excitement we went to get ice cream... because Miriam gave Grandpa the "I am too cute to say no to" look.

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