Thursday, September 8, 2011

five months

Simon is five months old today! He is growing like crazy. I put away all his six month clothes a couple of weeks ago. He is now wearing a mixture of 9 to 12 month clothes. Colder weather really needs to come soon because Simon is struggling on the clothes front (thus the weird outfit in these pictures). Most of the clothes we have that fit him right now are for winter. Simon has accomplished quite a lot this past month. He is now a rolling machine. Remember when I wasn't sure whether or not he had help? Well, apparently not. Over the next couple of days we caught him rolling from his back to his front a couple of times. Soon after he figured out how to go from front to back. This is totally new to me since Miriam didn't roll until she was 10 months old then went straight to crawling when she was 11 months. We are going to have to keep a close eye on this little boy.

"I just rolled over"

We are practicing learning how to sit up.
He is getting stronger and closer.

He is a pretty calm baby.
He will just lay and play as long as he can see me or Miriam he is content.

Simon is still our blue eyed baby boy. His hair kind of grows like crazy (and just sticks straight up). We have already cut it 3 times. Simon is sleeping a lot better during the day. Those 30 minute naps just weren't cutting it. For the most part he sleeps eight to nine hours straight at night. He eats and then sleeps a couple more hours. Here are some fun pictures of Simon I played with in Photoshop (where I don't have very many skills).

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