Saturday, August 11, 2012

Went to the Zoo

On Thursday Robyn and I took our kids to the zoo. We got there as soon as it opened, which was good for three reasons. First, there were not too many people yet. Second, we beat the heat. The morning was nice and it didn't feel too hot until right before we left. Last, the animals were pretty active in the morning. We got to see so many of them walking around before hiding in the afternoon heat.

We had quite the caravan with two strollers and a wagon. Thank goodness for Devon who pulled Miriam and Garrett around in the wagon all day.

We saw elephants, bears, and tigers. Miriam and Simon loved seeing the animals so active.

We couldn't leave a day at the zoo without a ride on the carousal and train. Miriam and Simon has so much fun with their cousins, and uncle, at the zoo.

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