Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tall and Skinny...

...just like his Dad. We went to the doctor today for Simon's 15 month check-up. He has lost a lot of weight from all the running around he does now. He is about 24 pounds (it was hard to get an accurate reading because he wouldn't hold still) and 32 inches tall. That is the 25th-50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. No surprise on my end.

Simon is the king of getting himself stuck in weird places. The picture below only represents one of the times he got stuck under the table at my parents house. I have no idea how he got in there and why he didn't learn the first time. Because of all his maneuvers one of his new words is "stuck", go figure. He thoroughly enjoys his new found freedom of walking/running/climbing everywhere.

Simon's vocabulary is growing everyday. It is really funny to see him try to copy words we say. Miriam was never really a mimic-er, so this is new to me. He loves animals and animal sounds. He brings me a book and asks for the animal he knows is on a page in that book. He favorite animals include camel, llama, and cow.

I am amazed at how quickly kids learn during this stage of life. One example that comes to mind; before we left for Utah Simon didn't really understand how to use the iPad. Now if you open his game for him he can push the animals he wants to see very precisely... and he isn't even 18 months old yet.

I sure enjoy being Simon's mom. He is an amazing little boy. The fun never ends.

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