Sunday, June 10, 2012

It really happened

On Saturday we took our kids to the pool! Miriam has been asking about going, so I decided we should just go while Michael was home. I don't love swimming and I don't feel comfortable enough to take the kids by myself. Like I said before, I never know how my kids will handle the water.

Miriam did great as long as her head didn't get wet.

Simon loved the water for the most part.

I am sure people thought I was weird taking pictures at the pool. They just don't understand how rare it is for me to go. I wanted to take pictures, ya know, for posterity's sake. Maybe next time I will actually get good shots!

1 comment:

Holli said...

Fun! We plan to spend a lot of time at the pool this summer- you guys should join us! We have guest passes to our pool, and I bet Simon and Charly would have fun together in the kiddie pool!