Friday, June 8, 2012

fourteen months

This month I feel like it hit me. Simon isn't a baby anymore. At fourteen months Simon...

...tries to join Miriam in the bathroom.

...loves to smile for the camera.

...climbs to help Miriam brush her teeth.
(he fell two seconds after I took this picture)

...always wants up.

 my little Mama's boy

Simon's language is developing rapidly. Every day he is learning new words and signs. It is hard to keep up a list, but here is my attempt (I am sure there are some missing)...
New words: Up, Grandma, Shoe, On, Cheese, Jesus, Book, Hat
New signs: Hungry, Baby, Bye, Potty, Bath, Hat

Simon loves music and dancing. He goes crazy when Miriam gets out Hullabaloo. He loves singing and acting out the songs during story-time at the library. Whenever we have music on in the car he is bobbing his head up and down.

Simon has started to walk a little bit more (just the past couple of days). He can stand up and take a few steps. He tries to go so fast that he still falls a lot, but he is getting the hang of it.  Okay, so I wrote all of that a couple of days ago. This week our little Simon has started to walk. Here are a couple of videos.

(taken Monday June 4th)
Simon Learning to Walk from Vanessa Bishop on Vimeo.

(taken Friday June 8th)
Simon walking on the grass from Vanessa Bishop on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

That cracked us up! Simon is too cute and the two of them together are hilarious!