Monday, January 17, 2011

The Terrible Twos?

We haven't seen too much of it yet. Sure Miriam has her moments, but overall I love this age. She is so much fun to be around. Her imagination is starting to grow. She talks to herself and laughs, it makes me wonder if she has an imaginary friend. She also gives out so many hugs and kisses. We just can't get enough. Miriam loves to help cook, clean, and do everyday chores. She is definitely Mom's big helper. I am sure she is going to be a great big sister.

she was taking her sweeping seriously

We took her to the doctor for her two year check-up right after she had been so sick. She lost almost two pounds, the poor little thing. She weighs 25 pounds and is 36 inches tall. The doctor said she is long and lean and that there is nothing wrong with that. I wonder where she gets that from?

dressing up as a fairy

Miriam can recognize all of the alphabet now and probably knows all of the ABC signs. She loves for me to sing the Alphabet song while signing. Miriam loves music. Whenever the radio isn't on in the car she asks to dance (meaning, turn on the music). Lately when I sing to her at night she has started to sing along. She still loves for me to sing Silent Night from singing it to her at Christmas. I always thought that having a two year old would be fun, but we are enjoying it more than we ever thought we could.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

Aw so cute. They are at such a fun age right now, I love it!