Thursday, January 20, 2011

28 weeks and counting

The beginning of this pregnancy definitely went by fast. We were so busy with moving across the country, then 3 months later moving into our new place, that I didn't have much time to think about it. I realize now that I am starting the third trimester and you have only heard about my pregnancy once (besides the announcement). So for the sake of my journal, if nothing else, I guess it is time to write this all down. small warning... some of this is in-depth. feel free to skip over and look at the lovely picture at the bottom.

This pregnancy has been a breeze (so far) compared to my first. I was never really sick at all. I felt like my appetite was not all it should be, but I never got sick. I even wondered if the pregnancy test was telling the truth. I wondered if I was really pregnant. I was anxious to get in to see a doctor and make sure everything was okay. I worry. It was a relief to see the little baby on ultrasound and know that it was really there. I was a little stressed about finding a new doctor, but after a couple of attempts it seems like I have found someone I like.

Now, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't go as far as saying I love being pregnant. I have had my ups and downs. I have been super tired the whole time, as I was with Miriam, but with Miriam's nap schedule I have been able to get in plenty of naps. At the 20 week gender ultrasound I was diagnosed with marginal placenta previa. I was asked to come back to the ultrasound specialist in 6 weeks to check on it again. Apparently 80-90 percent of placenta previa cases fixes themselves. As the baby grows your uterus expands, therefore the placenta moves. At 26 weeks I was cleared and will have no further complications with the placenta. As I said on my 20 week update, I was measuring a week ahead. However, at this 26 week ultrasound the doctor said that I have a big boy on my hands, now measuring 2 weeks ahead. I will have to go back in another six weeks for another ultrasound to monitor the size of the baby.

This puts us to a couple of days ago when I had my 28 week check-up. My doctor has said that everything is fine. He isn't worried about the size of the baby (don't get me started on this one) or anything else. I, however, am feeling so very large. My comfort level is fading fast. I still have 12 weeks to go and I can't even imagine how huge I am going to get. Here are some comparison pictures from my last pregnancy.

I feel like I am already almost to the 40 week size. There is no way I am birthing a 10 pound baby, just putting this out there. Michael says it is good to have a big healthy baby. I say fine as long as he grows after he is born. As you can tell, I am a bit worried about this huge baby thing.

sorry for the lovely self-portrait
i should have turned off the flash

Lastly, let me tell you how I felt after the gender ultrasound. When the technician told us it was a boy I was in complete shock. I don't know why, it is always 50/50 right? I went from shock to fear. I don't know how to raise a boy. Ahhh! I am better now. I have been shopping a bit for some boy things. The idea of having a boy has sunk in. Michael couldn't be more excited to have a boy so why shouldn't I be too? We are no where close to having a name picked out and even if we did we wouldn't tell you until he was born. I think choosing a boy name is hard.

Well, you probably now know more than you wanted about my pregnancy. We are so excited to welcome this little boy into our family. Here's hoping I survive...


Rachel and Jared said...

Glad everything is going so well! You look great! I've been thinking about how I would react if I was having a boy. Girls are so much fun. I think I'd react the same way. You just get used to doing girly things with Miriam that it's hard to think about having a boy around. Don't worry, I'm sure the new dynamic in your family will be great!

Karen said...

You can do it Vanessa! Both on hanging in there until he comes and on raising a boy! You're gonna do great! And Miriam is adorable in her big girl bed!

RT and M said...

Not that it's fun to be getting big when you still have so much time left (I can relate to that one), but most of my friends have gotten huge sooner with their second babies and it seemed to taper off before the end. Also, from what I've read, ultrasounds can be 1-2 pounds off about size. I hope the last couple of months can be good ones for you and that you can find comfort for your worries. I felt the same way when we found out Kevin would be a boy, but you will figure it out. You learn it as you go, and they teach you what they like just like girls do.