Monday, April 9, 2012

Simon's Birthday

We had such a fun filled day celebrating Easter (more on that later) and Simon's birthday all in one day. Simon wasn't really interested in opening presents. He loved ripping the paper for a while, but his focus didn't last long. Miriam was more than willing to help him open presents.


I am not very good at letting my kids get messy, plus we made red velvet cake (not exactly kid friendly), so the cake eating was a delicate process. Simon didn't know the difference. He enjoyed every last bite of cake.

Today we headed to the doctor to see how much Simon has grown. Here are his ever important one year stats: Weight - 23 lbs & Height - 30 1/2 inches. Looks like he is turning into a tall skinny boy like his Dad. Simon is such a fun, sweet boy. I am amazed by how much he is becoming aware of his surroundings. He loves to point at everything he sees. He can spot airplanes and birds like no other. Simon is also becoming very vocal. His excitement leads to grunts and squeals. If he is in the right mood he will copy any word/sound you make. His favorites are ball, Mama, and bath... he also says these words the most. We love our little one year old boy.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe he is already one! What a handsome little man!