Friday, November 4, 2011

What a crack-up!

Miriam is so fun! Check out some of the funny things she said last month.

Miriam's nose was a little runny one day. That night she told me, "my nose is feeling better, but there are still bubbles in it".

(Another one that has to do with Miriam being sick) While Miriam has been sick we have been trying to get her to spit out the congestion in her throat. This hasn't been a great idea because now she loves to spit. One night I was putting her to bed and she said "I need to spit in the toilet". She was fine so I told her not now because she wasn't coughing. So, she started coughing and said "Now I am coughing a little bit". This girl is the queen of procrastination when it comes to bedtime!

"Help Mom, my nose is running out"

I told Miriam that we wouldn't be able to go to the farm on Saturday because it is going to be cold and rainy. She says, "that's okay we can stay home and watch a movie and make pasta". That girl would eat pasta for every meal if we let her.

I came out from putting Simon down for a nap. Miriam says "I am sorry Simon had a hard time Mom". She was right Simon was crying/fighting the nap.

I have a spray that de-tangles Miriam's hair after her bath. I was spraying her hair and here is what happened next:

Miriam: Mom don't get that in my eyes.
Mom: Don't worry it won't hurt your eyes, it is tear free.
Miriam: Tear free, no way!

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

I love all of the funny things they say at this stage. So cute :D