Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick-or-Treat (round three)

Did we really do this three times? I know that two of them were trunk-or-treat (as opposed to trick-or-treat), but oh my! We have more candy than we know what to do with. Miriam was so excited to get to wear her costume one more time. I think the multiple celebrations of Halloween confused her. When I told her that today was really Halloween she said, "again?" She didn't complain when she realized that meant more candy. It is so fun having kids that actually understand the holidays. They have so much excitement for every little thing. It sure makes me excited for Christmas... yes I just said that.

Simon is so big, you can barely see Miriam

In true toddler fashion, I caught her picking her nose.
She is going to get me later.

Ready for Trick-or-Treating

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