Monday, August 22, 2011

the end of an era

After nearly 32 wonderful months Miriam has finally figured out that she can get out of bed on her own. It is hard to believe that it has never occurred to her earlier. Even though she has been in her big girl bed for about 8 months now, she never got out of bed until we came to get her. Sadly for me, with this new found freedom has come earlier mornings. I don't know why, but this past week she has been waking up around 7:00 am. I know that most of you are saying why is seven so early. You see, Miriam has always been a great sleeper. Up until this past winter she rarely woke up before 9:00 am. Recently she started waking up between 8:00 and 8:30 am. It was great to be able to sleep in while I was pregnant with Simon. So, this past week or so Miriam (and Simon for that matter, but that is a different story) has been up by 7:30 am. She did wake up at 6:30 am one day and I told her to go back to sleep... which she did. Oh well, what can you do. I guess I will just have to get used to this new morning routine.

Good morning Miriam!

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

Yeah Ambrey comes in our room at 7am and yells "wake up!" to us. Luckily Jared gets up with her and I can sleep in until 8. The other day she came in at 6:30 and I told her it was too early and to go back to bed, which she obediently did until 7. At least they give us that. :)