Wednesday, December 15, 2010

a night on the town

Michael and I don't get very many opportunities to go out alone. It is mostly my fault because I hate leaving Miriam. When he told me about his work Christmas party I was less than excited to go. I felt that if we were going to go out we should do something fun (like see Harry Potter). However, I knew it was important that we go. Michael's sister came over after we put Miriam to bed and basically sat on the couch (this was before we had TV and internet). Thanks again Rebecca! It was really nice to get out together, even though I always worry about Miriam most of the time. I got to meet some people that Michael has been working with and it is always nice to put faces to names. Much to my relief, Miriam was just fine when we got home. Hopefully we can get out a little bit more before the baby comes. Am I the only mother that still can't leave her two year old?

December 11, 2010
(Once again I look so blah once I see the picture.
I don't feel like I look that bad when I look in the mirror.)


Rachel and Jared said...

Psh whatev, you look adorable! And yes, I have a hard time leaving Ambrey, even if I leave her with someone she knows, like my sister. Maybe it's just a first child thing for Mommy? lol

Karen said...

You totally don't look blah, you look beautiful!! And I don't like leaving Maya either unless it's my family or really really close friends. AND I love the pink boots! Miriam is adorable.