Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Miriam's Latest

Miriam is about a month away from turning two. It is so hard to believe. She is such an adorable little girl. She is almost 36 inches (3 feet) tall. She weighs 26 pounds. She is definitely all girl. Whenever she sees bugs the first thing she says is gross. Miriam cannot stand getting dirty and has to have a napkin at every meal. It has been fun to see the contrast between her and Nathan (who is all boy). Here is a video of her making biscuits with Grandma Bishop. She liked to stir, but when it came to touching the dough...

Miriam is going through a weird phase with food. Her taste changes from day to day. I try not to be too worried about it as long as she is eating things like hummus. Here she is chowing down straight from the container.

We have really enjoyed some wonderful fall weather. We have been able to go to the park quite a bit. We also can walk to the library. Miriam really loves to watch movies and being close to a library is great. As you know we used to get Signing Time videos, however lately she has changed over to liking different shows. Her two favorite are Dora the Explorer and Go Diego, Go! I am sad to see signing time lose out to Go Diego, Go! but she is still very interested in learning new signs. We continue to find books about sign language. Here are a few pictures of Miriam enjoying the nice weather.

These last few pictures are just because Miriam looked so cute today and I couldn't help taking a bunch of pictures. She is getting the hang of smiling at the camera. It might have had something to do with the candy I bribed her with though.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

She is growing up! Ah she is so cute!