Wednesday, June 23, 2010

18 months

We are so excited for this milestone in Miriam's life. Especially since she can start going to nursery. We took her for the first time this past Sunday. I was so nervous how she would react. Would she cry when we left? Would she stay and play with the other kids? All my fears were put to rest when we took her through the door. She went and played right away while I talked to the teacher (who happens to be my visiting teacher). When we left I told her I would be back and gave her a kiss. She waved goodbye and went right back to playing. I was definitely more sad than she was about the whole thing. When I went to pick her up she didn't want to come with me. She wanted to stay and play with the kids. I am so happy she had such a great time in nursery, but I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.

Miriam after her first day in nursery

She is starting to talk more and more each day. Sometimes I am surprised when she says new words that I didn't realize she knows. When we were out for a walk on Sunday she looked up at the sky and said "moon". Sure enough you could see the moon. I don't remember teaching her that. This week she has started using two word phrases. She says "more milk" and "big bite". We are also continuing to teach her new signs. She probably knows close to 50 signs. I am so glad we decided to teach her sign language. I am sure it will help a lot when she reaches her "terrible twos". We are hoping for less tantrums because she can communicate better with us.

Now I will bombard you with pictures.

Miriam pushing her own stroller

Miriam doesn't like being dirty

Miriam just saw Michael walk up

Miriam loves the swings at the park

Miriam getting ready to go down the slide

It is hard to believe she was born 18 months ago. She is such a joy. I love watch her learn every day. Miriam makes being a parent so rewarding. We love her so much!

1 comment:

Rachel and Jared said...

So cute! Omg, Ambrey LOVES that tube slide!