Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just Because

I took Miriam out to take some pictures today. It is the last nice day in the forecast this week, so I thought we would go out and have a photo shoot. It wasn't 100% successful, but I got a couple of cute shots. It has been a whole lot harder to take pictures of her now that she can run away.

We also have a free trial of some photo editing software I thought I would try out. I am not super computer savvy, but I like some of the effects. I found a couple of pictures spots around town that were suggested on some photography blogs.

After all was said and done, I took her to play at the park. I took her to a different park and I was a bit disappointed because there wasn't much she could do by herself. It was geared more for older kids. She must have had fun because she didn't want to leave.


Rachel and Jared said...

You should get GIMP. It's free photo editing software that I use and it's really similar to photoshop. I've learned to do tons of things on it. http://www.gimp.org/downloads/

Rachel and Jared said...

Oh and CUTE hair clip!