Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How does it go... like a lamb and out like a lion? Is this just for March? Anyway, I was looking through our pictures and realized how many pictures I took this month. I guess I felt like Miriam was especially cute this month. I also posted a bunch on the blog this month. However, how could I let some cute pictures go and not be shown? So for your viewing pleasure here is Miriam in March 2010:

Miriam is 15 months old. She has had a rough month with cold after cold. We hope warmer weather is on the way to help clear the air. Miriam is tall and skinny, just like her daddy. She is above the 90th percentile for height and around the 25th percentile for weight. The biggest news Miriam has this month is that she is beginning to walk. I still wouldn't say she is walking, but she gets more brave everyday. Sometimes she just decides to walk and other times she prefers to crawl. Here is a short video taken a couple of days ago:

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