Sunday, December 9, 2012

Almost Four

Miriam will be four in 2 weeks... Did you read that? TWO WEEKS! We have been counting down the days since the 23rd of November, which means this chain started out with 30 links. (I kept forgetting to take a picture.)

Miriam is so excited for her birthday and Christmas. It is hard to believe how fast she is growing up.

Here is a little game I call "Miriam Says" (collected from the past couple of months)...

Mom: Miriam can you please pick up that cracker off the floor?
Miriam: I can't
Mom: Why not?
Miriam: My legs won't bend
Mom: Why won't your legs bend?
Miriam: I already used my power. I am out of power.

Driving back from a RS activity that was at someone's house way out in the country... "Mom what is this place I can't see anything?"
I guess I am raising a city girl, well at least a girl from the burbs.

Grandma: Miriam, do you want to do something on Wednesday?
Miriam: No, I'm busy.
Grandma: Oh, okay.
Miriam: Just kidding. I can do something.

Miriam: Mom, today was a hard day. I am tired, but I was funny today.

I was talking to Miriam about Michael and I giving talks at church on Sunday. I was reassuring her that she wouldn't have to sit alone. She seemed to think about that and looked okay about everything when she said, "but what shoes are you going to wear?".

Miriam: How old is Simon again?
Mom: 18 months old
Miriam: Wow, that is amazing.

Simon was doing the arch-the-back-and-scream-because-I-don't-want-to-sit-in-the-cart act at Costco. Miriam says "this is exasperating".

Why do pears have seeds?
Why are people at Wal-mart on Sunday?
Why were we not there when Dad got home from his mission?
Why are you wearing that shirt mom? (EVERYDAY)
Why was I wearing that shirt in that picture?
Why, Why, Why?

Mom, I want to watch the Grinch. I think he lives in Mexico.

Miriam is yelling at the TV...
Mom: Who are you yelling at?
Miriam: Can Cinderella hear me?
Mom: No, she is just on a movie.
Miriam: She probably can't hear me because she is in Mexico.

Mom, can you be busy cooking so you don't see what I am taking to my room?

1 comment:

kmadsen said...

Love it!! What a sweet and hilarious girl she is growing into!