Thursday, June 23, 2011

two and a half

Our little Miriam is 2 1/2 years old. She has grown up into quite the little girl. She keeps us on our toes everyday. Here is a little bit about Miriam and what she is doing lately.

Miriam loves to talk to anyone who will listen. Sometimes we don't understand a single thing she is saying (because she just babbles) but she must have something important to say. She is starting to repeat what people say more and more. The other day at story-time the librarian said she was impressed with how well the kids were singing. Miriam turned around to me and said, "I am impressed too". Some of Miriam's new phrases are:

"Hold on a minute"
"Wait for me"
She adds "though" to the end of sentences -- "I can do it though"

Miriam still loves learning sign language. She also loves singing primary songs. In sacrament meeting this week we sang "I am a Child of God". I have to admit I teared up a bit as I watched her sing along to the song I sing when I rock her each night. When it was over she said "one more song" (which is what she says each night) and requested "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".

We are trying to teach Miriam a little bit of independence. We tell her to try to do it herself and then ask for help if she needs it. She uses a step stool to get up on our bed to help with Simon. She is learning to dress and undress herself. We are still working on the potty business.

Miriam loves to watch the videos we take of her. She sits at the computer and asks to watch "Miriam movies". It is cute to watch her because she points out things she is doing in the video like she wasn't there. Sometimes I take the videos just so she can watch them.

June 6, 2011

It is so much fun watching Miriam learn and grow each day. She can always make me us smile.

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