Thursday, July 23, 2009

7 months

Miriam is seven months old today. She is growing up so fast. Miriam loves tags on anything. She always finds them. She loves to have her burp cloth to chew on. We think she is going to be a blanket baby. Miriam loves to dance to any music she hears, including the piano at church. She loves playing the piano. She goes crazy banging and dancing all at the same time. She loves to watch So You Think You Can Dance with her Mom. Miriam is learning to repeat sounds we say to her... she is a little chatterbox. This makes us excited for her talk so we will know what she is thinking. She is constantly moving her arms and legs. She uses her whole body to express her excitement. As soon as she learns to roll around and crawl we will be in trouble. She loves to sit and play with her stacking toy. Miriam has learned to clap and spit this week. She also has a little fake cough she uses to get our attention. We think she is just so cute.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

cute outfit and cute girl