Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where did Spring go?

Remember in my last post how I mentioned that we were so glad that spring had finally arrived? Well, what happened to it? This is what we woke up to this morning.

Luckily later in the day it was already melting, but the cold stayed behind.


Robyn said...

Ours only lasted a few hours. We didn't get as much as you guys!

Unknown said...

I was thinking about you the other day and remembering what fun we had that summer before you moved. I remember in particular one day I spent the whole day with your family and we went to some discount store and got to pick out treats and then spent the night outside under your deck...I also remember how your family always kneeled at dinner prayer. I also remember the outfit your Mom made me to match yours it was purple with pink and yellow stripes with a yellow band. Fun times.... Anyway your little girl is just darling. Email me your address so I can send something to her. Hope you're having a great day.