Tuesday, October 21, 2008

31 weeks

I am definitely on the countdown at this point. I am getting bigger by the day and sleeping is becoming more difficult. Not only can I not get comfortable, but sometimes I wake up with aches and pains. I have my 32 week visit on Monday. I am wondering if they can give me a weight estimate for the baby by then. It would be interesting to know how much bigger I am going to get. OH... I know I will get much bigger... I just wonder how much the baby could weigh. Michael was almost 11 pounds at birth (mostly length) and I was about 7 pounds, so the difference was quite a lot. It will be interesting to see how our children are. I can't wait to meet her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok so it's a girl. Congratulations. Do you have a name picked out? Email me with your new address.
